8 Tips to Help You Recover From Jet Lag

8 Tips to Help You Recover From Jet Lag


Are you coming back from a trip and feeling out of sorts? You’re not alone. Millions of people suffer from jet lag every year. This condition can leave you feeling tired, grumpy, and out of sync with your surroundings. In this blog post, we will discuss 8 tips that can help you recover from jet lag quickly and get back to your normal self!

Before we explore ways to combat jet lag, let’s first review its underlying cause and symptoms.

This will allow us to better comprehend the strategies for a quicker recovery.

What is Jet Lag?

Jet lag refers to the disruption in sleep patterns and daily routines that can occur when traveling across multiple time zones. This condition is caused by a misalignment between your body’s internal clock (known as the circadian rhythm) and the external environment.

Symptoms of jet lag typically include fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues, irritability, confusion, and decreased cognitive function.

Now that you understand the source of jet lag, let’s take a look at 8 tips for overcoming it:

1.    Adjust your sleep schedule in advance

Start shifting your sleep/wake times to match the time zone of your destination several days before you travel.

This will make it easier for your body to adjust when you arrive.

2.    Begin altering your exposure to light before traveling

By managing your exposure to light and darkness before you travel, you can successfully manipulate your body clock to adjust more rapidly to the new time zone. Figure out what schedule alteration works best for both you and your journey so that transitioning is smooth and effortless!

3.    Try Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body’s pineal gland that helps regulate sleep.

To maximize the effects of melatonin supplements while traveling, take them each day before your trip at a consistent time. Additionally, make sure to stop taking them on the same day you depart for your journey. This is essential in establishing an equilibrium between light and darkness that will help acclimate you to new locales quicker.

4.    Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your travel to stay hydrated. This helps ensure that your body functions optimally while adjusting to new time zones. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as these can further dehydrate you.

5.    Eat light meals

It’s essential to choose light and nutritious meals that are easy for your digestive system to digest. When you consume heavy or fatty meals after flying long distances, this can put a strain on your body which only amplifies those dreaded feelings of exhaustion associated with jet lag.

Instead opt for ,lighter dishes that will give you the energy boost needed to make traveling much more enjoyable!

6.    Try and sleep on the plane

To make the most of your time abroad, you must ensure that you get adequate rest. As jetlag can disrupt your sleep pattern, aim to get some shut-eye while on board! Some items that will help make sleeping more comfortable include noise-canceling headphones, white noise generators, eye masks, and earplugs. Additionally, don’t forget to bring along a few comfy pillows and blankets for extra comfort during long flights!

To ensure you get a good night’s sleep, restrain yourself from the strong urge to take a nap if it is daytime. Doing this can lead to difficulty sleeping later in the evening.

7.    Remain active

Staying physically active throughout the day will help burn off some of that excess energy, making it easier for you to fall asleep at night. Take a leisurely walk, go for a jog, or take part in some light yoga stretches to help keep your body moving and energized.

8.    Supplements

If you’re struggling with jet-lag-induced insomnia, consider speaking to your doctor about the possibility of using sleep aids. These can help aid rest when adjusting to a new location during nighttime hours – and even on flights where sleeping is difficult! Always remember that there may be side effects associated with taking these drugs, so carefully weigh all options together in consultation with your medical advisor.

It’s essential to note however that while sleep aids may assist in getting more shuteye at night they, unfortunately, will not reduce any daytime jet lag symptoms.

So here are 8 tips to help you beat jet lag. We hope they will come in handy when you are traveling and help you make the most of your journey! And remember, no matter how long the flight is, it’s always possible to make it through jet lag with a little bit of planning and preparation.

Let us know in the comments below what works best for you when it comes to avoiding jet lag!

Happy Travels!

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